Learning the Basics of Blackjack and Blackjack Strategy
Strategy plays a key role in determining your fortune at blackjack, and many books and articles have been written about blackjack strategy, both basic as well as advanced. However, as they say, a visual is worth a thousand words, and that is what this video is – a visual reference point for learning the game of blackjack and also some basic blackjack strategy. Basic strategy is important because it enables you to keep your nose ahead in the game and ensure you do not lose more than you win.
This video starts off with a shot of a game in progress at a blackjack table, with the cards being dealt off. Two cards are dealt to each player, with the second card of the dealer going face down. Then, the value of each players hand is shown next to the cards, which is a good way of knowing which player has won or has a good chance of winning. Go through this cool video to learn more about the basics of the game.